Energy Psychology is a mind-body approach to understanding and improving human functioning, and refers to a group of techniques that have been clinically shown to help with a wide range of psychological problems. These tools and techniques can be useful in psychotherapy to release emotional and psychological trauma.
Stressful events in our lives, trauma, negative thinking and limiting beliefs, and even chemical imbalances can affect how we feel on a day-to-day basis. The impacts are experienced in electrical impulses in your brain and body that result in feelings like anxiety, extreme sadness, fear and anger to name a few. By working with the whole mind-body system, Energy Psychology facilitates rapid optimal change and positive psychotherapeutic outcomes and is aligned with the latest findings from neuroscience and traumatology. Tapping, touching and holding, visualization, mindfulness accompanied by specific verbal statements are some of the tools used. Energy Psychology can also be used with phobias, bad habits, stressful tension, self-sabotage, doubt, procrastination and numerous trauma impacts quickly and easily.
Some examples of Energy Psychology used by ONTN are Advanced Energy Psychology/Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods (AEP/EDxTM), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
Energy Psychology is a powerful tool that can be used alone, or together with other approaches.