Essential Oils

The use of essential oils dates back millennia with many references to their use in the Bible, as well as in early Egyptian and Roman texts and drawings. Essential oils are aromatic, volatile liquids that are pressed from the bark, stems, leaves, rinds, flowers and seeds of plants. Essential oils, like our blood, contain thousands of chemical constituents that are used by plants to fight infection, seal wounds, oxygenate and nourish cells, and help protect the plant from outside invaders.

Studies have shown that the most powerful link to the subconscious is through the sense of smell. The comforting aroma of a favourite food can bring back childhood memories or other moments in which the smell was present. Science also supports the observation of a vital connection between scents and the emotions. Precise olfactory receptors inside the nose receive sensory stimuli whether or not we are consciously aware of them, and these stimuli trigger electrochemical signals via neurons to the brain’s limbic system and the amygdala, our emotional memory center.

In the psychotherapy process, pure, therapeutic-grade, essential oils have the power to engage your senses, release stored emotions and emotional blocks, and assist in healing pain, phobias, trauma, and physical illness. Combined with psychotherapy, essential oils are able to support and enhance this process by inhaling, and/or applying topically.

Additionally, in 2016, Health Canada approved numerous essential oils for support and help when feeling stressed and for other conditions.

ONtario Trauma Network